Healthful, real food recipes for comfort, nourishment, celebration and everyday life.

May you be heart be joyful and your tummy happy!
Love L x

Low FODMAP, Paleo Crepes

Low FODMAP, Paleo Crepes


Crepes, glorious crepes!  Is there a breakfast so delicious?  These delicate lovelies suit my easily disgruntled tummy perfectly.  I hope that they suit you and your loved ones just the same, and that they bring you joy and a contented belly on a deliciously lazy morning.

NB:  Coconut flour is considered a no-no for people on a low FODMAP diet when eaten at a 100g serve.   But Iā€™m pleased to say that the teeny amount called for in this recipe is considered to be safe for those of us with FODMAP issues.

Recipe (makes 8)
15g coconut flour
15g tapioca flour (starch)
4 large eggs
1 tsp pure vanilla essence
1 tsp maple syrup
2/3 cup of water

Sieve the coconut and tapioca flour into a large mixing bowl and stir to combine.
Now whisk the eggs, vanilla essence, and maple syrup into the dry ingredients until lovely and smooth.
Lastly whisk through the water before setting aside for a few minutes.  This allows the coconut flour to finish absorbing liquid, thickening up your crepe batter ever so slightly.
Now preheat a little oil/fat of your choice in a large frying pan (either a non-stick pan or well seasoned cast iron pan).
Once your pan is at a medium-high heat, give your crepe batter another little whisk before ladling a spoonful of crepe batter into your pan.  Immediately after your batter hits the pan quickly swirl the batter around the pan to make a lovely thin circular crepe.
Once your crepe has set on the uncooked side, flip your crepe and cook on the other side until lightly browned.
Repeat this process until all your crepe batter has been used up and you have a nice little stack of steaming crepes ready for eating!
Serve with all your favourite toppings and a comforting warm drink.  I hope you love them as much as we do!

Cinnamon Spiced Raisin Bread

Cinnamon Spiced Raisin Bread

Two Ingredient Fritters

Two Ingredient Fritters