Healthful, real food recipes for comfort, nourishment, celebration and everyday life.

May you be heart be joyful and your tummy happy!
Love L x

The Story-So-Far ... From Birth to Three

The Story-So-Far ... From Birth to Three

This time next month my sweet Daisy girl will be mere days away from turning three, that’s right, THREE whole years old!  She is very much her own little person now, with unique interests, firm likes and dislikes, friends of her own, and sass that could rival many a teen, and oh - how I love the little person that she is more than life itself.

When I began this little website I didn’t think I would share much about our personal story.  But as the months have rolled along many of you have expressed curiosity about what our story has involved.  As I contemplated sharing about our personal journey with allergies, intolerances, and gut health, I realised how much I have benefited from reading others experiences.  Discovering that I wasn’t alone whilst in the midst of a struggle was like a wonderful gift of strength.

So, if you would like to read my attempt at a condensed version of ‘our story-so-far’ then please head on over to Healing Gracie’s Gut, where I wrote a guest post covering *most* of what has happened from Lila’s birth all the way to where we are now. (<<Simply click the highlighted text)

If you are in the midst of a similar (or dissimilar) struggle, I hope our story gives you comfort that you are not alone.  That there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  That there are people out there who can help.  That there is a community of supportive families out here who understand what it’s like to have a child with complex and frightening health issues.

So, if you have any questions about our story please feel free to get in touch!  I’m more than happy to chat, share more information about specific treatments, or answer any questions that you might have.

Much love,

L x

A Doable Detox Routine

A Doable Detox Routine

The Great Sugar Debate

The Great Sugar Debate