Healthful, real food recipes for comfort, nourishment, celebration and everyday life.

May you be heart be joyful and your tummy happy!
Love L x

Foods For Healing

Foods For Healing

**Ok, so before I start I just feel the need to put this little disclaimer out there.  I am not a health professional, just a mummy, a careful experimenter and a midnight researcher. 

Please keep in mind while reading this that these are the foods that have helped US and what helps YOU may be different.  I also feel that it is important to tell you that this is not all we are doing on our path to wellness.  We are also working with an Integrative Practitioner who advises us in using food to heal whilst supporting our bodies in ways we can’t achieve through food. 

If you, or your child, have a serious health condition or worrying symptoms please find a good Doctor.  I know that it can be difficult to find someone who listens and knows their stuff, but do try to find someone who will help.  It’s important that you have help from a professional who can help you to find your way to health. 

So far we have been happy working with our Integrative Practitioner for the big stuff and a GP for more day-to-day things.  That said, our little medical clinic down the road have really tried with my little girl.  They are keen to work WITH our Integrative Practitioner, they never rush us out the door, and they tell us when they don’t have the answers…so I’m pretty happy with that!

So now, that I have rambled on about Doctors.  Here are some things that you can try in the comfort of your own home.**

I have tried a lot of different ‘healing’ foods and found myself feeling defeated that they weren’t working for us like they did for other people.  A lot of ‘superfoods’ and ‘remedies’ we tried did nothing, or made things much worse (I’m talking to you Diatomaceous Earth and Psyllium Husk).  Once I found the things that worked for us it was so empowering.  Not to mention I felt healthier, my daughter brightened up, she stopped passing gut lining, blood and mucous in her nappies and her body became much more ‘regular’ (if you know what I mean).  She is still healing, and we take a few steps back if she comes into contact with one of her “danger foods”,  but she is healing and for that I am so thankful!

Bear with me.  Don’t gloss over this because it is just too gross.  PLEASE READ ON.  This is the food that has made the MOST difference for me, my husband and my daughter.  It has made more difference than any other food, supplement or pill.  It turns my stomach too, seriously, just try not to think about what it is and get it into your body by whatever means possible.  It is worth it.  This stuff is the mother of all superfoods, SERIOUSLY.
It is cheap, it is healthful, it is healing and it is so amazing that I am going to write up an entire post dedicated to liver for your perusal.

If you’ve been keeping an eye on the recent ‘real food’ movement this one is old news. 
We reacted to bone broths for a long time until discovering that beef and apple cider vinegar were reactive for my daughter.  She is also unable to tolerate broth that has been cooked for over 24 hours due to a mild histamine intolerance. 
We now do a 12 hour cooked bone broth using organic lamb or chicken bones with veggie scraps and coconut vinegar.  Drinking this just feels comforting and nourishing.  It helps to seal up leaky gut (or intestinal permeability as our Integrative Practitioner calls it), improves hair, skin and nails and is generally an amazing, health giving elixir.

You have likely heard about the amazing health benefits of apple cider vinegar.  Coconut vinegar has all the amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar but is actually even better for you! 
Just to set the scene, most of us are seriously depleted in many essential minerals due to our soils being so severely depleted, this in turn results in our foods being depleted. 
Coconut trees tend to grow in volcanic rich soils so organic coconut products grown in these soils contain many essential minerals that our bodies desperately need. 
I like to pop a dash of this in my water and sip it throughout the day. 
It is also rich in enzymes and will help your body to digest meals, reduce bloating, and help keep your electrolytes up.
**NOTE: It is important to get organic coconut vinegar that is made from naturally fermented coconut sap/nectar and bottled with the ‘mother’.  Coconut vinegar made from coconut water won’t contain as many healthful properties.

I discovered this purely by chance.  I was at my health food store looking for something that would help my poor digestive system.  I had a constant burning sensation throughout my entire gastrointestinal tract, it was sluggish, I was bloated, uncomfortable and bought this on a whim.  I figured that if aloe vera can provide relief to burns on our skin then maybe it could provide relief to my irritated gut too.
Within half an hour of drinking 50mls diluted in a glass of water I felt a shift.  There was instant relief.  I now drink 50mls of pure aloe vera juice diluted in 250mls of water twice a day (3 times a day if I’m having a flare).  I always have a bottle on the go.  It is easy to drink and provides cooling relief to a sore gut.

This stuff has potent anti-inflammatory properties and is amazing for everyone’s health, but it is especially good for those of us with damaged guts and chronic disease. 
It is specifically the curcumin found within turmeric that is known to be particularly healthful.  Curcumin is released from turmeric upon heating.  It is also good to know that black pepper helps the body to absorb the benefits so it is wise to take them together.
My favourite way to consume this is in a beautifully creamy turmeric latte.  Seriously, check these out!  There is something very comforting about this drink!
I have also discovered that I love the taste of fresh turmeric.  It tastes quite different to the powdered stuff.  Why not give it a go!

Cruciferous vegetables are great for many, many reasons.  But the reason I love them the most is because they promote the production of an hugely important antioxidant called glutathione.
In the last few years I became increasingly unwell and discovered that I had very, very low glutathione.  Please note that if you are extremely low (as I am) you may require supplementation, but do discuss this with your doctor. 
Thanks to this discovery I have a new found love of all cruciferous vegetables! When roasted they become nutty and delicious, seriously so good!  Think roasted cauliflower rice with Moroccan spices and almonds, roasted brussel sprout and kale salad drizzled with lemon juice… so many tasty (glutathione promoting) possibilities!  

Sea food is so, so good for you.  Especially mussels and oysters.  I like them specifically for their high zinc content.  Getting oysters into a toddler is not even worth trying (in my opinion)!  Thankfully our little girl is usually very happy to eat the fleshy cheeks of a mussel, fingers crossed yours is too!  Sure, it’s a little fiddly to pull them apart for her, but it's definitely worth it for the nutritional benefits!

Ssssshhhh!  Just pretend I don't live in Australia and then it’s TOTALLY ok for me to tell you that these little beauties are so good for you to eat!  
They are a great source of magnesium, have a good omega 3 – omega 6 ratio, and are brimming with amino acids, vitamins and minerals.  Not to mention they have natural hormone balancing properties.  They promote digestion and sleep, I'm yet to find someone who doesn't want more restful sleep.
Pop these in smoothies, crunchy crackers, cakes, muffins, pizza bases…whatever you can!
(I'm happy to say that since writing this post these little seeds have since been legalised for consumption in Australia!)

Ok so I’m not going to blab on about these but will just let you know that you only need to eat 2-3 of these a day to meet your daily selenium requirements!  Selenium plays an important role in thyroid function, so munch on a couple of these with your afternoon cuppa and you’re selenium is sorted!  Easy peasy!

This stuff is absolutely packed with goodness.  We pop it in our breakfast breads and bliss balls.  It does have a bit of a distinct taste (that I don’t particularly love) but think it’s worth it for all the health benefits it provides, particularly its B-vitamin content.  Seriously great stuff!

Do you have some favourite foods for healing?  I'd love to hear all about your experiences!

Love L x

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