Healthful, real food recipes for comfort, nourishment, celebration and everyday life.

May you be heart be joyful and your tummy happy!
Love L x




I have loved crepes ever since I can remember.  My husband used to make the best crepes I have ever tasted.  Unfortunately for me they were full of wheat and fried in butter.
This recipe is ALMOST as good as the buttery kind and is actually HUGELY versatile (they can double as burrito wraps and you can even make them into crispy ice-cream cones in your oven…stay tuned I shall post this soon!).
Don’t be scared off by the long method.  Once you get the knack these babies whip up in a matter of minutes. 
Please do take note of my words on frying pans (I have zero issues with my beautiful cast iron frying plate).  If your pans are notoriously ‘sticky’ you may have some trouble flipping.

½ scant cup coconut flour
½ scant cup tapioca flour
3 eggs
½ cup mylk/coconut milk
1 cup + 1 tbsp water
Pinch of salt

Place the coconut and tapioca flours, along with the salt in a bowl (I don’t bother using a sieve but you can if you wish).  Mix to evenly combine.
Next add the mylk and eggs.  Stir well with a fork (your mixture is likely to be very lumpy and may even look a little gritty at this stage, but don’t worry yet!).  
Next add the water, 1/3 of a cup at a time, mixing well each time.  You want your crepe batter to be a very, very runny consistency.  Think, the consistency of a milkshake. 
The coconut flour will continue absorbing liquid for about 10 minutes.  Be sure to wait the full 10 minutes before checking to see if your mixture needs more liquid before commencing cooking.** 
Once you are happy with the consistency of your crepe batter, heat a well seasoned cast iron frying pan over a medium heat (I cannot guarantee the effectiveness of this recipe is you are using another type of frying pan, I have struggled getting them to flip as beautifully using a plain stainless steel pan, if you do use a different pan let me know how you go!). 
Using a large spoon dollop the batter onto your frying pan and spread the mixture out thinly starting in the middle of your crepe and spreading in a circular motion until your crepe is nice and thin.
Flip your crepe once you see that the batter is firm to the touch on the ‘uncooked’ side (this should take about 3 minutes).  Cook the other side for a further 2 minutes, or until lightly browned.
Serve with your favourite crepe toppings!
We like ours with berries, banana and my instant yoghurt!

**Note: Coconut flour is very absorbent and it functions very differently to other flours.  Unfortunately not all coconut flour is created equal and you may need slightly more or slightly less water than listed to achieve the desired consistency.

Mini Banana Pancakes

Mini Banana Pancakes

Dreamy Creamy Tapioca Porridge

Dreamy Creamy Tapioca Porridge