Healthful, real food recipes for comfort, nourishment, celebration and everyday life.

May you be heart be joyful and your tummy happy!
Love L x

Instant Yoghurt 2 Ways

Instant Yoghurt 2 Ways


This recipe was born out of my childhood nostalgia of having yoghurt and fruit for dessert.  We had it almost every night.  I was a notorious sweet tooth from the time I could speak and would suffer through main course with the lure of dessert.  I would beg to know what concoction mum had prepared for dessert, but she would just smile and say “wait and see”.
Now with my own daughter, who reacts to the cultures in yoghurt (I suspect lactobacillus) and tends towards a histamine intolerance, I wanted to create something that was yoghurty but without any reactive factors for her.  So I put my thinking cap on and figured that if lemon juice can make pureed cashews into a version of cheese maybe it could turn coconut milk into a version of yoghurt.

Behold Instant Yoghurt Number 1

1 can of full fat coconut milk (try to find one that contains only coconut extract and water)
The juice of ¼ of a lemon (if you can get your hands on a Meyer lemon they are beautiful)
1 tablespoon of maple syrup (remember the aforementioned sweet tooth?  Yup, it’s still there)
2 tablespoons macadamia or coconut butter (optional)

Scoop out the firm coconut milk from the top of the can and place in your blender along with ¼ of a cup of the liquid that sits beneath the firm stuff.
(NOTE:  If you want to consume this yoghurt immediately and have no time for the refrigeration step omit the liquid from the recipe.)
Pop all the remaining ingredients in your blender and mix on a medium speed until it is all silky smooth and well combined.
Pour your yoghurt into a jar and place in the fridge.
You may think that it looks too runny but fear not, it will firm up into a lusciously creamy yoghurt in the fridge after a few hours.
Now scoop it outta the jar and dollop on top of pancakes, muesli or serve it up on top of fruit as “wait and see” for dessert.  But really the possibilities with this beauty are endless.

Instant Yoghurt Number 2 (rich in live cultures)

Ok so this is pretty much exactly the same as Recipe Number 1 with one minor change.
Swap out the lemon juice for 1/2-1 Tbsp of Coconut Vinegar (to taste)**.
That’s it.  This wasn’t as much of a hit with my little one, it’s more of a sour yoghurt compared to the other one.  That said my husband and I enjoy this probiotic rich deliciousness just as much!

You want the coconut vinegar to be made from naturally fermented coconut sap/nectar and bottled with the ‘mother’.

Scott’s Sweet Potato Rostis

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