Healthful, real food recipes for comfort, nourishment, celebration and everyday life.

May you be heart be joyful and your tummy happy!
Love L x

Peach and Yoghurt Teacake

Peach and Yoghurt Teacake


Sometimes we need to slow down.  Mornings are often full of chaos, places to be, showers to be had, lunches to be made, breakfast to be cooked, nappies changed, dog fed, tears wiped, shoes found… the list goes on, as I'm sure yours does too.

This morning I had nowhere to be, I gave my daughter some videos to watch while I lay in bed for an extra 45 minutes, yep you got that right, 45 glorious minutes!  When I got up I didn’t rush to prepare breakfast, we had some snuggles in bed and “had a chat” as my two year old likes to say.

I then reheated some pikelets and porridge for my daughter (because what hungry two year old would happily wait for half an hour while cake is being made?) while I pottered in the kitchen, still barefoot in my floral dressing gown, and made myself this teacake.  Yes I ate it for breakfast, I adore the indulgence of cake for breakfast, as you can probably tell by looking at my breakfast recipes.  Dessert for breakfast is my weakness, or perhaps it's a strength?  And don't worry, I shared a piece of teacake with Miss 2, who now likes to have 3 breakfasts, she is a bit hobbity that way.

It is now just after 10am and I am yet to shower and yet to dress my little girl.  But we are happy, the sun is streaming in the windows and I am at peace.  I hope this teacake brings you some contentment, joy and nourishment, the way it has me.
It is fluffy and moist with a beautiful aroma of cinnamon and fresh peaches.  I enjoyed it topped with extra yoghurt and two cups of tea.

½ cup blanched almond flour (for this recipe you can indeed substitute almond meal)
¼ cup coconut flour
¼ cup tapioca flour
1 tsp baking soda
Pinch of salt
1 ½ tsp cinnamon
3 eggs (lightly beaten)
1/3 cup plain coconut yoghurt, I used natural COYO for this recipe (alternatively use 1/3 cup firm coconut cream + 1 tbsp lemon juice/apple cider vinegar…and yes you can absolutely use plain dairy yoghurt if that suits your tummy)
¼ cup coconut oil (melted)
Heaping ¼ cup maple syrup (runny honey or rice malt syrup will work too)
1 ½ tsp pure vanilla essence
1 Clingstone peach (or whatever summer fruit takes your fancy…I am adoring Clingstone peaches at the moment so I highly recommend them!)

Preheat your oven to 180C and line a rectangular slice tin with baking paper.
Place all your dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix until combined.
Next add the eggs, yoghurt, coconut oil, maple syrup and vanilla essence.  Stir until well combined.
Allow your mixture to sit for 3-5 minutes to allow the coconut flour to keep absorbing.
Meanwhile finely slice your peach.
Spoon your mixture into the prepared slice tin and spread out evenly.
Now decorate your teacake with the peach slices, pushing each slice gently into the teacake so they are slightly submerged.
Place in the oven for 20 minutes, or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean.
Put your feet up and enjoy!

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